Major works to improve safety and traffic flow at Toll Bar roundabout are due to start on schedule this month.
Contractors will move on site from Monday 20 July, with the project starting on the highway a week later.
The roundabout is being retained with improvements and widening to entry and exit roads, helping traffic flow through the junction more efficiently.
Cabinet member for transport and the environment, Cllr Stewart Swinburn, announced CR Reynolds – who recently completed the extensive works on the A18 Barton Street ahead of schedule – had been appointed main contractor.
“A huge amount of planning has gone into ensuring the scheme runs as smoothly as possible,” Cllr Swinburn said. “We are really sensitive to the inevitable disruption and inconvenience but officers from the council and ENGIE are working with the contractors to ensure this is kept to a minimum.”

To that end, he said, the schedule of works will keep the roundabout largely open throughout the project, without the need for four-way traffic signals. The four ‘splitter’ islands on the entry points to the roundabout will be removed in the project’s first week to enable this to happen.
Opinions have already been sought from several Parish Councils and residents in the immediate vicinity of the works on a preferred way of undertaking this initial, intensive piece of work. A major letter drop to the surrounding area has also taken place to advise residents and businesses of the works.
As a result of the engagement, during the first four days of the project (from 27 July), Station Road, east and west of the roundabout, will be closed in the daytime between 7.30am – 7pm. The A16 north and south will be subject of a two-way traffic signal over these four days.
Cllr Swinburn said: “This option will allow contractors to make quicker progress than would have been possible by night-time closures or four-way traffic lights. With the splitter islands removed, the contractors will have more space at the edges of the carriageway to undertake the remainder of the project, while leaving enough room to keep all entries and exits to the roundabout open without the need for traffic signals or diversionary routes.
“In every decision taken, the safety of roads users and contractors has been a priority. We hope residents can see we have taken into consideration a lot of factors and worked with key stakeholders, including Tollbar Academy. We thank everybody for their valued contributions.”
CR Reynolds has appointed a public liaison officer, Chris Butts, for the duration of the project for any concerns relating to its operations. The scheme is scheduled to be completed within six months with the hope it can be completed sooner. Chris will be available during normal office working hours, Monday – Friday on 07779 431 127, from Monday 20 July 2020.
Specific issues regarding the project can be raised by contacting the delivery team by email at or write to Toll Bar Junction Improvements Engagement Team, New Oxford House, George Street, Grimsby, DN31 1HB.
Article and images from NELC.
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