COUNCILLORS have approved a Skills Acton Plan for North East Lincolnshire, at a meeting of the Council’s Cabinet this week.
The Plan, which identifies some of the key challenges facing people in our area, looks to identify and take advantage of opportunities to improve the awareness of high-skilled careers and the educational attainment of adults.
In North East Lincolnshire, 73.2% of people are economically active, which means they are either employed or actively seeking work, slightly lower than the national average. The rate of adults claiming universal credit is almost double the national figure.
By the end of secondary education, only 33.7% of students gain grade 5 or above in English and Maths in our area compared to 43.4% across England.
According to the papers submitted to Councillors, employers in the region have reportedly struggled to recruit people with the right skills for the jobs that they have available.
This is particularly alarming in the context of future growth of the area, with the energy industry alone expected to create more than 32,000 jobs by 2040 across the Humber, a further 7,000 jobs expected to be created as a result of the move to create a Humber Freeport, and an ambition to deliver some 11,000 jobs by 2030 as part of the UK’s Food Valley.
A further 20,950 construction workers are expected to be needed in Yorkshire and Humber by 2026 according to the CITB Skills Report.
Councillor Philip Jackson, Leader of North East Lincolnshire Council and Portfolio Holder for Economy, Net Zero, Skills and Housing, said:
“Clearly the borough, and indeed the region, has a bright future ahead of it. We have been at the forefront of some of the Government’s major announcements in the last decade, from the Town Deal investment to the Humber Freeport, and all of that is starting to come into fruition.
“Lots of jobs are going to be created over the coming years and it’s important that the Council is as supportive as it can be in making sure residents are ready to be able to step into those jobs.
“In this Skills Action Plan, we’re aiming to take advantage of every chance to work with partners to improve the educational attainment of local residents, and the awareness of career opportunities.”
The action commits the Council to:
· Collaborating with authorities across Greater Lincolnshire to ensure that the needs of local residents are ‘fully represented’ in matters relating to devolution
· Liaising with, and supporting, national, regional and local organisations where their aims align with local strategic aims to raise aspirations, support careers progression and increase adult participation.
· Collaborate with skills leads across Greater Lincolnshire to share best practice.
· Collaborate with, and support the development of, the Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) for Greater Lincolnshire.
Actions include hosting regular events to promote adult learning opportunities, connect vulnerable and struggling families with adult education providers, and promoting work experience opportunities within the Council and its partners.
The Action Plan was approved by the Council Cabinet at a meeting on Wednesday 23 August 2023.
Article from NELC.