Phase Two of the public consultation for North East Lincolnshire’s Library and Archive Service review will take place in the New Year, following approval from Cabinet.
Phase One of public consultation and engagement, which took place earlier this year, focused on building a better understanding of what our communities see as important to them, how they use our Library and Archive Service and what they view as the opportunities for the services in the future.
The Phase One responses, coupled with a full needs assessment, have highlighted where future resources should be focussed to help deliver a “comprehensive and efficient” library service, supporting a continued compliance with statutory requirements.
Councillors have now voted to go ahead with a 12-week public consultation in 2025 seeking the views of local residents on the future operation of the service, which involves Grimsby Central Library, Cleethorpes Library, Waltham Library and Immingham Library.
Proposals will focus on modernising and rationalising the library network through the potential co-location of services to support the development of a more efficient service and expand on learning from the hub model seen at Immingham, where the current library service is located within the town’s Civic Centre.
The public will be asked to give their views on proposals for:
- A co-located service for a Grimsby town centre hub with public library service, public archives, and adult skills & learning all in one place;
- A co-located service for Cleethorpes Library with Cleethorpes Leisure Centre;
- Redesignation of Waltham Library as a community library;
- Immingham to remain as a co-located service with a focus on developing further partnership working from this location.
Cllr Hayden Dawkins, NELC Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and the Visitor Economy, said: “We want to thank everyone who took part in Phase One of the library and archive consultations. We want you to know that we have considered your responses in detail and this second phase comes on the back of what you told us and our assessment of local need. No decisions will be made until after the Phase Two consultations.
“These proposals look at the public library service branches that fit with the wider Council strategy to develop further, recognising the importance of encouraging footfall in our town centres and the benefits of bringing services together under one roof.
“For reassurance, there are no plans to sell, dispose of, or destroy the Central Library building. It is important to highlight the Council’s commitment to the building and investment into the wider town centre.
“I urge our local residents to take part in this second phase of consultations so that we can properly progress a vision for our Libraries and Archive Service going forward. We are asking you to complete the Phase Two survey, alongside which we will also be holding focus groups and community engagement events, to capture as full a picture as possible of your views.”
Phase Two of the public consultation will follow a similar methodology as Phase One with an online survey and face-to-face opportunities to ensure as many people as possible can share their views, and be a part of designing a library service that best meets their needs within the resources available. Further detail will be available at the start of the consultation period planned to be released in early 2025.
Article from NELC.