Consultation opens on PSPOs renewal

Consultation opens on PSPOs renewal

North East Lincolnshire Council is consulting on its public space protection orders (PSPOs) in key public areas.

The Council introduced PSPOs to target anti-social behaviour and irresponsible dog ownership in July 2019.

These PSPOs expire after three years and the Council must consult on the renewal of them.

A PSPO allows councils to put restrictions in specific areas such as town centres, parks and beaches.

The proposed renewal of the PSPOs includes some minor changes to the existing dog control orders. The anti-social behaviour proposals are unchanged.

Under the proposals, the only difference is that churchyards have been removed from the list of restricted areas while in control of a dog.

Please visit to complete the survey.

Cllr Ron Shepherd, portfolio holder for Safer and Stronger Communities at the Council, said:

“We’re keen to hear the views of the community, businesses and other agencies on our proposals to renew the PSPOs in place in North East Lincolnshire.

“Please take the time to give us your views on the proposals to protect parts of the borough from anti-social behaviour and irresponsible dog owners.”

Complete the survey at The survey closes 10 June 2022.

If you need to speak to someone to give your views or ask any questions or you need a copy of the survey posting to you, you can ring the Engagement team on 01472 324380 or send an email to We can supply the survey in large print.

More details at

Article from NELC.

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NEL_Conservatives administrator