Council leader’s message to elected MPs

Council leader’s message to elected MPs

The leader of North East Lincolnshire Council, Coun Philip Jackson, said he is looking forward to working with MPs Martin Vickers and Melanie Ann ‘in the best interests’ of the area.

At a full meeting of the council held at Grimsby Town Hall, he told the chamber: “It won’t have escaped your attention that we have had no less than two elections since my last Leader’s Statement in March.  Indeed, between us all, I’m sure we have worn out a lot of shoe leather!

“Starting with the most recent first, congratulations to Melanie Onn and Martin Vickers on their respective victories in the Great Grimsby & Cleethorpes and Brigg & Immingham seats.  I look forward to working with them both in the best interests of North East Lincolnshire.

“I hope we can enjoy the same fruitful working arrangements with the new Government as we have over recent years with the previous Conservative administration.  It’s very important that we continue to build on well-established working relationships with key Departments of State, including the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.  

“There is no doubt that Grimsby, in particular, will remain in the spotlight, and that means we must continue to maintain our balanced focus on working with our partners to create the conditions for our Place to grow, thrive and prosper – and engaging on a regional and national basis to support that ambition.

“The challenges faced by local government up and down the country are the same as they were before July 4.  I hope the new Government will give them early attention. The local government financial model is in need of review. There are major challenges for the sector across demand led services, including children’s, adult’s and SEND. Local government needs to be engaged with, and listened to, in terms of the scale and depth of the challenges across complexity of need, workforce, funding and market shaping. Our job would be easier if we enjoyed longer term certainty of funding to aid resource planning generally, for example multi-year settlements.”

Coun Jackson continued: “The new Government has placed housing at the forefront of its agenda both in terms of meeting unmet demand and stimulating economic growth. With an aspiration of 1.5 million new homes in its first term, we are told that local authorities will have delivery targets. We have yet to see what the implications of that will be for North East Lincolnshire. A relaxation of the planning regime has already been signalled with policy changes, for example onshore wind, and again the aim is to support and enable growth faster and more nimbly. There could be significant implications for North East Lincolnshire as we continue with the review of our current Local Development Plan. Watch this space!

“In the second day of his new job, Sir Kier Starmer met all metro mayors at Downing Street, expressing his enthusiasm for further devolution. Council leaders in areas not currently covered by a Devolution Deal have been written to by the Deputy Prime Minister offering a devolution conversation. We have our oven-ready Deal. We received formal confirmation before the election from DLUHC that the consultation has passed the necessary statutory tests, and the draft legislation is ready to be laid before Parliament. Let’s get on with it so that we can start to enjoy the benefits across Greater Lincolnshire, in tandem with a similar deal on the north bank of the Humber. This real opportunity to take the region forward can’t be lost now and North East Lincolnshire stands ready to play its part for the benefit of our residents, communities and businesses.

“Turning now to the local election outcome. Though we are now a minority administration, this Conservative administration intends to stick with its ambitious plans for growth and change across North East Lincolnshire. That’s the only way we can move our borough forward and address some of the serious inequalities we know we have. As well as overhauling skills provision to help local people take advantage of the new, better pad jobs that are being created across all our key employment sectors, we must ensure we have the right housing and infrastructure in place for our current residents as well as those who want to move into the area. 

“We want workers and their families to live in North East Lincolnshire, keeping the North East Lincolnshire pound in North East Lincolnshire, rather than commuting in and spending their income outside the borough. That’s why it’s also essential to make our place more attractive to live in and visit.  The regeneration schemes that are being delivered, based on the Grimsby and Cleethorpes Masterplans, the grant funding they have attracted in recent years, and the greater private sector confidence and investment that brings, are key to that ambition. We particularly want North East Lincolnshire to be a place where young people can thrive and prosper, with good jobs and careers and an environment that encourages them to stay. I hope all parties in this chamber can unite around those aims and objectives.”

Coun Jackson went on to tell the chamber that NELC’s Cabinet has approved the final concept designs for the regeneration of Market Place and the refurbishment of Pier Gardens. 

“These two exciting schemes are being funded from the £18.4 million of Levelling Up funding won for the resort and have been designed following extensive public engagement, including via the Cleethorpes Masterplan process, detailed consultation with local businesses and very helpful input from the relevant scrutiny panel,” he said. “Work has now commenced on site on the third Cleethorpes LUF project; the new, iconic building on Sea Road.

“Events are vital to the resort, and the biggest of those has to be Armed Forces Weekend, the last weekend in June. Particular thanks go to the Armed Forces Major Events Team for a superbly organised event, but thanks to everyone else involved, not least to our brilliant council teams who cleared the waste generated by those thousands of visitors and ensured the resort was spick and span again by the Monday morning.

“Grimsby town centre also enjoyed a very successful event in June, albeit not on quite the scale of Armed Forces Weekend; Festival of the Sea. This is now well established in Grimsby’s events programme and brought many families into the town centre for a great day out.

“Turning now to public transport. We have been successful in securing significant grant funding for our Bus Service Improvement Plan, and are, in partnership with Stagecoach East Midlands, introducing and maintaining significant improvements in local bus services. These include introducing a new route as well as extending others and increasing some frequencies. We have been able to re-introduce free travel before 9.30am for concessionary bus pass holders and maintain the travel anywhere £1 fare at weekends and in the evenings. This is great news for existing bus users but is also encouraging new passengers, saving them money, reducing congestion and helping the environment.”

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NEL_Conservatives administrator