Mayor bringing ‘Saturday Night Fever’ to borough with 24-hour danceathon

Mayor bringing ‘Saturday Night Fever’ to borough with 24-hour danceathon

The Worshipful the Mayor of the Borough of North East Lincolnshire, Councillor Ian Lindley, is looking to inject some disco into the area with a non-stop dance event.

The danceathon, which was announced at the Sunflowers Children’s Action Group Christmas Party, will be part of the Mayor’s yearly fundraising campaign. He will be raising money for The Pink Rose Suite Grimsby and the Sunflowers Children’s Action Group.

The Pink Rose Suite is a dedicated breast cancer unit at Grimsby’s Diana Princess of Wales Hospital, providing various services for cancer patients as well as aiding surgical teams across the area.

Sunflowers Children’s Action Group is a charity founded in 2019 to help those suffering form life-limiting and life-threatening conditions. The group look to give young people experiences they will never forget and help families through difficult times.

The Worshipful the Mayor of the Borough of North East Lincolnshire, Councillor Ian Lindley, is hoping to raise £2,000 from the event with an online fundraiser set up to help him reach his target. To donate, click here.

The event will be held from 9am on Thursday 21st March to 9am Friday 22nd March at Grimsby Town Hall. Residents and community groups are also being asked to help out by joining the mayor throughout the danceathon.

The Worshipful, the Mayor of the Borough of North East Lincolnshire, Councillor Ian Lindley, said: “I’m very excited to raise funds for two worthy charities in our borough and have fun whilst doing so.

“I am also asking for any dance troupes, community groups or individuals to get involved by joining me for a dance throughout the 24 hours.”

To get involved with the danceathon please express your interest in an email to

Article and image from NELC.

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