North East Lincolnshire Council is reviewing and updating the Local Plan, the document which sets out how the borough will develop over the next 20 years.
The Local Plan provides the planning framework for development of the borough, setting out land for specific uses including housing, employment and retail as well as covering issues such as the environment, and access to education and healthcare. Importantly, it sets the basis for decisions on planning applications – achieving a blueprint to develop a borough where people will enjoy living and working.
Between 26 September and 4 November 2022, the first informal public engagement on the Local Plan review will be held. Individuals, groups and businesses around the borough will have the opportunity to comment on the Local Plan providing the council with the thoughts and queries of local people.
Drop-in sessions will also be held, to give people the opportunity to speak with officers about the Local Plan and then post their feedback. People are invited to the following:
- Monday 10 October, Immingham Library, 8.30am – 12.30pm and 1.30pm – 5.30pm.
- Tuesday 11 October, Grimsby Library, 8.30am – 5.30pm.
- Wednesday 12 October, Cleethorpes Library, 8.30am – 5.30pm.
The revised Local Plan will need to go through several rounds of engagement during its preparation and once all appropriate revisions are made, it will be submitted to the Government for formal examination. The steps are as follows:
- September 2022: start engagement with local residents and stakeholders.
- 2023 to 2024: Draft Local Plan is developed. This includes two iterative rounds of statutory consultation on the Draft Local Plans.
- Late 2024: Submission to the Secretary of State for formal examination.
- Early 2025: New Local Plan adopted.
Announcing the start of the process, North East Lincolnshire Council leader, Cllr Philip Jackson, encouraged people to get involved: “The Local Plan is crucial to the future of the borough as it helps set the framework for development.
“Shaped by the feedback from local people, it will help us to build a future for North East Lincolnshire that sets the correct balance and blend of industrial, commercial and housing development, with environmental and green considerations at the fore. Together we want to build a better future for our young people and families,” he added.
To find out more about the Local Plan review and provide your feedback, please visit external site or pop down to one of our drop-in sessions.

Article and image from NELC.
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